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The heart of Canada

Manitoba, located in the heart of Canada, offers a diverse range of cuisine. The prairie province is known for its abundant agricultural resources, pristine freshwater lakes and vibrant First Nations cultural heritage, contributing to a unique dining scene.

Regional Cuisine and First Nations Influences

Manitoba is proud of its “farm-to-table” approach and values the use of locally sourced ingredients. The province's fertile land produces a wide variety of fresh and seasonal ingredients, such as wild rice or Saskatoon berries.

Manitoba is also home to many First Nations people whose culinary traditions play an important role in the province's food culture. Dishes often include ingredients such as wild rice, bannock (a type of bread), pemmican (a mixture of dried meat and fat) and various wild plants. Many local restaurants and culinary events offer First Nations-inspired menus to celebrate and honor these traditional flavors.

In our recipe section you'll find delicious dishes from Manitoba's cuisine that you can easily prepare at home.

Accompany Canadian stand-up comedian Ben MacLean on a humorous trip to Manitoba and learn about the special features of the prairie province from Ben.

Craft Beer

The craft beer scene in Manitoba has experienced a significant surge in recent years. The province boasts numerous microbreweries that craft unique and flavorful beers. Ranging from traditional to experimental, beer enthusiasts will discover an impressive selection.

You can find more information about traveling to Manitoba here.
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